
Financial Structuring in Agriculture

In this course, students will explore financial hurdles, strategic financing considerations, and essential contract management for small businesses. Master the Lean Model Canvas and low-fidelity tests for effective startup growth.

Presented by:
Set the framework for financial success

What you'll learn:

Become financially resilient and fail-proof your growing business.

of businesses fail within their first year
U.S Bureau of Labor

Pragmatic Small Business Management

Delve into financial challenges, addressing working capital, pricing strategies, budgeting, and the intricacies of accessing lending. Learn to align business plans with industry benchmarks and evaluate forecast realism before seeking financing.

Contract Essentials

Gain actionable knowledge to manage founders agreements, partnership agreements, customer contracts, vendor contracts, employment contracts, and license agreements. The course integrates practical insights, real-world scenarios, and key tools like the business model canvas and cashflow analysis.

Course Breakdown